Wednesday, November 11, 2009

As the water level rises, the beavers add more and more mud and sticks to the Lodge. They hollow out a larger chamber inside where they will spend the winter, safe from weather and predators. They store their food supply in the mud, submerged so they can make use of it after the ice freezes on the pond. They use underwater access to the Lodge so they can reach the food supply even when the ice is solid above. They live in total darkness all winter unless there is a thaw. Then they can find an open place in the ice and find some fresh bark as a winter treat.
    Peter has tilled the garden and planted winter rye. The asparagus has been fertilized. My gardens were a disaster this summer. It was so rainy that every time the sun came out, Tulla, the Weimaraner pup , and I went out in the kayak. We often went to the beaver pond to explore there. Our favorite place to go is a large pond nearby where there are loon families. We watched the loons feed their two chicks all summer long. Now they have left for the open ocean along the coast somewhere. Those chicks won't return for two years, if they are lucky to survive.

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